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About the Conference


Given the current discourse on Early Childhood Education, this conference aims to bring together professionals living in Israel. We will explore effective models in program operations, school management and best practice for classroom teachers. Together we will reflect on how we can change the definition of excellence in Early Childhood Education in Israel. 


Conference Topics Include:

  • Facilitating national dialogue and legalities of Early Childhood Education in Israel 

  • Incorporating developmentally appropriate practice in our settings 

  • Developing ourselves as early childhood educators

  • Creating sustainable systems

  • Running a financially viable program 

  • Managing teachers effectively

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"Thank you for organizing such an amazing conference to promote early childhood education. The speakers were all informative and knowledgeable. The groups were inspiring and insightful. The workshops were thoughtful and really fun. The food was awesome!!! Meeting face to face with so many people in our community was such a special experience and in this digital age was just priceless. I really value all the hard work I’m sure it took in planning the people, the times and the experience for all. So thank you thank you and thank you!"

"It was inspiring being amongst professionals who are determined to raise standards for high quality early childhood education in Israel. It was also interesting to network, share experiences and learn from teachers who had come from other schools."

"ECE conference covered all the necessary bases. Why, what, how and for who excellent Early childhood education is necessary. It was fantastic to be around inspiring educators, learn new ideas for working with parents and children. We laughed, were moved, we cried and we supported one another in the most important profession in the world. Now let's work to make this all known to our beloved country, Israel and make the changes that need to happen!!!"

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Conference Address:


Ibn Gvirol 188, Tel Aviv

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